Little League BoardRights:
To expect the support of players, managers, parents, and other volunteers and to expect compliance with its policies. To expect all volunteers to put forth their best effort during games, practices, drafts, and other activities. To expect managers and coaches to abide by its policies, standards, and local rules. To be treated with dignity by players, parents, and other volunteers.
To effectively communicate and enforce a set of clearly defined policies, standards, and local rules. To be visible, accessible, supportive, impartial, and objective administrators of the game. To provide as safe and orderly game environment as possible. To assist in resolving problems involving players, parents, managers, coaches, umpires, or other volunteers. To hold players, managers, coaches, volunteers, and parents accountable for their conduct in games and practices. To strive for the best training of managers, coaches, and umpires possible.
Conflict Resolution Process
The Jesse Burkett Little League Board hopes that everyone connected with the Little League Program has a fun and positive year. Little League can be one of the most enjoyable experiences in a child and parents life. There is nothing that quite matches the excitement of a Little League game!
Occasionally, conflicts do arise among participants in Little League. The Board cares very much that conflicts be resolved quickly, objectively, and equitably with the very first consideration being given to the welfare of the children. Therefore, the Board has provided the following Conflict Resolution Process. It is designed for, and should be followed by, all adult participants in the league if a conflict arises.
Anyone who disapproves of the actions or attitudes of another should bring it to their attention quickly in a courteous and positive manner. When approached promptly and with sensitivity to another's feelings and frame of reference, many problems quickly become non-issues and a higher level of cooperation and understanding is achieved. The adult volunteer should always be approached discreetly and privately, and the dialogue kept on a person to person level.
Disagreements that cannot be resolved in the above manner should be brought to the attention of the respective Divisional VP and Player Agent who are agents of the Board and are therefore bound to listen to all sides objectively and impartially, to respect each person’s privacy in the matter, and to take action that s/he feels most appropriate.
Conflicts that cannot be resolved by the Divisional VPs and Player Agents (or conflicts with the Divisional VP’s and Player Agents) should be brought to the attention of the Little League Board of Directors. A matter of only the greatest concern should be brought to the Board and only after the means above have been exercised in good faith. The Board will, at its discretion, appoint a committee of Board Members who can remain objective to arbitrate the matter. If a Board member is involved in the conflict, she/he shall not be included as an arbiter in the Conflict Resolution Process. When a matter is brought to the Board, all decisions of the Board or its appointed committee will be binding and the matter will be considered resolved.
Any action connected with Little League deemed illegal, immoral, or unethical should be reported to the Board of Directors at once. The Board will be called to order on an emergency basis to deal with the problem.
Approved by the 2003 Board of Directors Page 4 of 4 Revision 1